NSU Spring Career Fair - 04/05/2018
SAVE THE DATE and make plans for your organization to participate in the annual Northern State University Career Fair, scheduled for Thursday, April 5, 2018 from 10AM-2PM. Sponsored by NSU Career Services, this event is specifically designed to promote professional post-graduation jobs and internship opportunities in our region to NSU students.
Space is limited, so do not hesitate to register for the fair. Please complete the online registration or attached form and return it to NSU Career Services by Friday, March 30, 2018.
The fair registration fee is $55.00; checks should be made payable to Northern State University. To pay via credit card, please call 605-626-2590. A receipt will be provided the day of the event. Registration payment includes:
- One 8’ table and 2 chairs per booth;
- Lunch and beverages for up to two people per booth; additional lunches may be purchased for $10 each;
- Private interview space.
If your organization has a need for up-and-coming professionals related to NSU degree fields, this fair is an excellent opportunity to build your brand on campus. It is not necessary for your organization to currently be hiring to participate.
For additional information, please email careerservices@northern.edu or call 605-626-2371. Thank you for your time and consideration!
Highlights –
Fair date: Thursday, April 5, 2018 – 10AM-2PM
Registration deadline: Friday, March 30, 2018
Online registration form: https://northern.formstack.com/forms/careerfair18
Registration fee: $55.00
Send payments to: Northern State University Career Services – 1200 South Jay Street – Aberdeen, SD 57401 OR call 605-626-2590 to pay via credit card.